From clutches to bags to scarves, BOGOH may be just the vintage feel you are searching for. After receiving an email from Oban, who is based in England, and is creating her own range of handcrafted bags made from unusual and vintage fabrics, I made a decision I needed to feature this new designer. When I started to think about it, I realized I really haven’t covered much in the vintage area. never too late to start, right? BOGOH is not making the common bags you would see someone carrying on the street. maybe some of you like to have a bag that is easily observed and can be named by people, but often it is fun to add a bag that nobody knows about, is one-of-a-kind, and everyone would like to know where jij hebt het.

I want to start with the unordinary shape and style of the Purple blossom shapely Shopper. looks like a wedge of a lemon, but with different colors. The shape just intrigues me for some reason. probably because it is so out of the ordinary, which in lots of ways makes it extraordinary. made from cotton and nylon, this bag is a green retro patterned buyer with a contrasting purple flower and stunning hand stitched detail. The dimensions are 43cm x 29cm (16.8 in x 11.3 in). Why I like this bag is really the shape and the feel. we all know the normal LV pattern and look, but not this bag. If you had this bag with a casual outfit it could really just give your overall vibe a new outlook to those around you. This bag is on sale for £47.50 (~$83.75) through the BOGOH online store.

But if you are trying to find a a lot more classic shape but still the vintage and fun feel, I’m going to suggest the extreme Peach Tasteful Tote. This bag mixes a vintage feel with bright and daring colors which can brighten up anyone’s smile. The tote is made of cotton and satin in the color scheme of a peach, red and black pattern. Peach satin is brought in to add detail, a flower is added for a feminine touch, and the bag is of course hand stitched and one-of-a-kind. Wouldn’t you like to add some spice to your closet with a bag like this? The tote procedures 42cm x 26cm (16.4 in x 10.1 in). If you are diggin’ the tote, you can get it through the BOGOH online store for £47.50 (~$83.75).

There is still a lot more colors and a lot more fun with the bumper bags. I’m feelin’ the sweetheart Blues Bumper Bag . Made with cotton, ribbon, and beads, this is a large fun bag with lots of rich blue colors. The pattern is a divine retro heart pattern in blue and purple tones with both blue trim and strap. To add a little extra something the bag also has satin ribbon and beads. There are a few reasons why I love all these designs- one of the main reasons is the colors. It’s refreshing to break out of the fall colors (although I do love them) and venture into the bold and stunning lively colors out there. Blue has always been one of my favorite colors, and this bag just feels so rich and fun. The bag sizes up at W 46cm x H 38cm (17.9 in x 14.8 in), which makes it a pretty roomy bag. like the others, this bag is available online through BOGOH for £49.50 (~ $87.28).

And lastly, I need to venture into the world of vintage special large clutches. My utmost favorite of the clutches is the Gleamy dream Clutch. made of cotton and velvet, some of the most wonderful colors are implemented when making this clutch. The hold has an all over gold-yellow floral design with a creamy background and a stunning handcrafted flower on the front. This hold is made for being seen. The size is something other clutches can easily hide behind. The dimensions are 38cm x 18cm (14.8 in x 7 in), which makes for quite the large clutch. maybe it is just be, but a hold this big would be the best accessory to a night out and add such flavor to an outfit. My top choice of all of the bags I have picked is this creamy number, which is on sale for £49.50 (~87.28).